Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jumping to it

Happy Tuesday! It's only 11:28 am and I am ready for this day to be over. Is that bad? I am so exhausted today for whatever reason. I mean I know I have been up since 6:00 am for school but I thought I got enough sleep. At least it isn't too busy at work so it could be worse ;)

Last night I finally started to use the mini trampoline I got for Christmas. I had one many years ago and remembered it being great exercise while also being quite fun so I asked for one as a gift. And as I began my to jump last night it was just I had remembered. After that I knew I had day 17 of my ab challenge to do. Let's just say it is getting extremely hard to do all at once and I need to break the session up. I mean 75 sit-ups, 100 crunches...yikes! I have to admit that I am proud I am working on my abs considering it is my least favorite part to exercise, any effort is progress in my opinion.

The weekend was a good time as I expected it would be. I was able to see friends I hadn't seen in awhile and with the move looming over me I of course am thankful to see friends even more often.

A look back at the weekend:

I certainly had plenty of adult drinks, danced and laughed. All the components of a wonderful evening!

Did everyone enjoy their weekend?
Hoping so and hope this week is great.

Xoxo Nicole

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